Difference between tinting colors and dying products


Difference between tinting colors and dying products

what to choose?

First of all we must know that hair dye products are divided into two large families: Oxidizing hair dyes (permanent and semi-permanetor demi-permanent) and temporary hair colours: HIGH OXIDATION PERMANENT COLOR: it must only be handled by professionals (hairdressers, coiffeurs, etc.) it provides great results in terms of color, which remains for a long time, but weakens the cuticle and weakens the cortex causing considerable stress to the hair. SEMI-PERMANENT OXIDIZED COLOR : usually tone on tone, they are used as a "do it yourself" directly by the consumer. Our Naturidea light gel dye with hydrogen peroxide belongs to this group, without ammonia and without resorcinol, which covers white hair from the first application.
Also our Natural Premium the lightest oxygen hairdye belongs to this group. The coloring product is mixed at the time of use in the quantity indicated on the instructions with active oxygen. Then you must distribute the product above your hair using gloves and in a well-ventilated area.
TEMPORARY COLORS OR CONTACT COLORS: Contact colors respect the structure of the hair and coat the hair by coloring it. They can only be used tone on tone. Our henna powders “Henna Color”, the “Henna Nuance” and the hair mascara “Tocco Espresso” belong to this group.
These products are the most natural colorations in the market, because they are made with henna, a shrub that has beneficial properties:
it protects the hair from external agents, without penetrating the cortex and is a pure beauty treatment. Our Henné Color line is a mixture of henna with other dyeing herbs that color and help keep the hair healthy and natural. These colors envelop the hair making it more full-bodied, soft and colorful, with a red reflection (the color of the coloring lawsone of the henna plant). So the first step is the choice of the type of coloring.

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